Japan Marketing made easy

Fast Shift to Digital

We are seeing consumers’ fast-paced shift to digital, and Japan is not an exception. This means that marketers must make equally fast-shift to digital marketing. At Orchid Co., Ltd, we offer localized digital marketing service for overseas clients aiming to achieve quick and low-cost entry into Japan Market.


Conventional Media or Digital?

While consumers have already developed lifestyle to spend substantial time on digital media, marketers in Japan still have inclination to opt for conventional media and consumer event marketing. As most media in Japan do not accept direct deal with advertisers, if you want to promote through conventional media, you would probably need to work with agencies having global network covering Japan.

Do Words get in the way?

Yes! not only words but cost is the primary road blocks preventing Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) to enter Japan market. Biggest challenge facing SME planning to enter Japan market will be cost and language. Our team at Orchid are geared to provide you with solutions to resolve these road-blocks, and to quickly jump start your presence and sales in Japan market!


For a successful entry into Japan market, it is vital to identify the right target market and to team up with a right partner who can do the business ground work on your behalf.

We at Orchid Co., Ltd are able to provide you with consultancy to grasp the market based on our corporate expertise. Our approach is based on “Act First” approach where service or product is introduced in the market at the initial stage using digital and social media, followed by analysis of impact on the market.


Launching of your product website can also identify whether your product is better fit for wholesale channel or direct e-commerce channel.

Japanese traditional distribution system can be perplexing as many industries still base business on long-term relationships, which can become a “invisible red-tape”slowing down your entry process. Finding a good traditional wholesaler is one solution,but establishing your own channel through e-commerce can be another alternative.


There are myriads of trade shows and international conferences taking place in Japan. To have effective visit it is advisable to have a call plan to key target partners after the trade shows due to a simple fact: Most Japanese companies are not prepared to close deals during the event.

During the business calls, it is also advisable to have your collateral and presentations prepared in Japanese, in order to expedite collective decision making process of Japanese organization.

Our Strength Outlined


HEADQUARTERS: 2-16-1 Hanasaki-kita, Kazo-shi 347-0016, Japan
PRESIDENT: Yukiko Hirata
Own operated e-commerce shops at
Lanran Yahoo Shopping &
Lanran Yahoo Rakuten


Web localization
E-commerce consultant
Marketing Consultant
Digital Promotion
E-commerce operation
Inbound Tourism Promo


At Orchid, we are team of specialists who know where to focus for best result in Japan market. We place more emphasis on pin point tactical approach rather than on strategic.

We are built on a wealth of leading industry experience and expertise on consumer digital marketing for airline passenger sales, audio electronic consumer products, and sales consultant at financial institution.

History for Orchid dates back to 1999 as Web design office, which eventually evolved into general marketing service company covering wide range of industries.


Orchid’s vision is to build strong sustainable partnerships with international clients with key aim to assist the companies entry into Japan Market.

Orchid will play a pivotal role in digital marketing activities in Japan and be regarded as one stop office,at low operation cost.

Orchid’s mission will be to serve as marketing strategist, social media manager, content creator, and web master for Japan market.

Orchid will place particular emphasis on small and medium enterprises (SME) as we at Orchid belive SMEs are responsible for driving competition and innovation anywhere in the world.


Working hours

Monday- Friday :10:00-18:30 Hrs
(Phone until 17:30 Hrs)

Our location

2-16-1 Hanasaki-Kita Kazo-shi. Saitama Japan
Email: info@www.orchidcc.com

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